Premier Fishing Guide in the Virginia Shenandoah Valley!

Over 60 Years of Fly Fishing Experience on Local Waters.

(800) 882-1145 * (540) 463-3235

Lexington, Rockbridge Co., VA

Summer trout fishing is usually a little slower, you have to work a little harder to catch fish which can be a good thing.  Trout are spooky in the lower flows and you have to approach pools in stealth mode. If you learn to catch them ''hard'' you should not have a problem catching them other times of the year. I like to explore streams at this time even if I'm not fishing that much, it will give you special insight into the structure of a stream and this can be used later when you are fishing the same water when flows are higher. I have watched trout spook when a high flying buzzard casts its shadow over them lately. Lower flows see predators move in, blue herons hunt them trout all night so any fishing plan right now has to factor in stealth. Osprey, snakes, eels and 4 legged critters are out there looking for an easy meal now. The old trout self preservation moniker, ''to hide is to live'' is very true. Any good predator like yourself will always be studying his or her's prey's habits and likely holding spots. Case out their ''joints '' if you get my drift. John

Fly Fishing Tips

May will see some of the most active trout and best stream flows of the year. Mayflies caddis will be out numbers all month.
John Roberts - FlyFishing Guide

John many thanks for a fun, informative and congenial morning last week.  Our party of 8 had a wonderful time and our adventure was the subject of much conversation over the entire wedding weekend. It was the beginning of a truly sensational time for our family  and friends. Thanks for your contribution. - 2023


Have You Heard

John many thanks for a fun, informative and congenial morning last week.  Our party of 8 had a wonderful time and our adventure was the subject of much conversation over the entire wedding weekend. It was the beginning of a truly sensational time for our family  and friends. Thanks for your contribution. - 2023


Stream Conditions

Trip Lodging

John Roberts Fly Fishing
Adventure Headquarters!

LLewelyn Lodge
Bed and Breakfast
in Lexington, VA